Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Headspin, whirlwind, madness, being busy...whatever you want to call it.

I cannot complain. I am busy. But at the same time, it's overwhelming. Its basically just me that runs the entire show. Between my 5.5 year old son, my mom living with me and me being responsible for almost 90% of her things (bills, taking her to the store, being the fix-it dude around the house, helping her with her computer, etc) and then trying to run a photography business as well as a production company...oh and do things for myself like workout, go roller skating or just sit and stare at the intellectual thief known as the TV, it becomes almost impossible. But somehow, somewhere, I find strength and get it all done.

A sweet friend of mine made the comment that I must be "Superwoman". Um, yeah, I am so far from Superwoman status it's ridiculous. But, often times I wish I could wear a cape and stand proudly in the wind to watch it flow behind me as I honor the efficient accomplishment of all sorts of tasks in record breaking time. Of course, the only way to truly achieve that status is to take care of business AND do my hair, get my nails done and have some additional "me-time" in a bubble bath with candles, flower petals and a glass of champagne, nightly. Man, would I be the envy of all my friends. Trouble is, I don't accomplish all my tasks efficiently, or at all for that matter, so I can't justify wearing the cape until I can completely get my act together. I know, good luck with THAT one. Sigh.

"Never let them see you sweat" is another great phrase I enjoy using. There are days where I run myself ragged in the morning answering emails, updating my social media networking, make the beds, cook breakfast, run to the store, tend to my son who has asked me to take apart the 100th lego piece he cant slip his tiny fingernails under, return phone calls (barely) and still somehow fix my hair and maybe get one eye's worth of mascara on before I run out of the house leaving one earring behind on the counter. But no matter what, they always say "Never let them see you sweat". Well then, remind me not to lift my arms, 'cause honey, I'm sweatin'.

And my all time favorite quote is "running around like a chicken with its head cut off". First of all, I had no idea that chickens ran around after their head was removed. I thought that only pertained to lizards after you took their tail off. Either way, that is the best description of me and the way I run my life. I think my only defense is that even through all of the "madness" I still seem to get-r-done and satisfy my clients. And without a doubt, I never miss a moment to love on my son.